
Logo and Wrapping Paper Design

純国産シルク製品用ラッピングペーパーデザイン。 国内の養蚕農家は激減により国内産繭から作られる「純国産」シルクは絶滅の危機に直面していますが、国産の繭だけで生糸を紡いでいるのが群馬県の碓氷製糸農業共同組合。高価な生糸製品はなかなか購入できませんが、碓氷製糸では純国産シルク成分含有のタオルや化粧品なども製造しています。オリジナルラッピングペーパー制作の許可を得た大坂屋家具店からの依頼で生糸をモチーフにデザインしました。
kinucco wrapping paper ラッピングペーパー
real wrapping paper ラッピングペーパー(実物)
wrapping image ラッピングイメージ
silk drawing モチーフになった生糸のドローイング
Creating a pattern design to be used as wrapping paper for silk product brand Kinucco. Japanese silk industry contributed in a great deal when Japan faced industrial modernisation and in need to open up the market and trade with other countries. Gunma was the major area to provide high quality silk. However, there are very few sericulture farmers now and most of cocoons are imported from other asian countries. Usui Raw Silk Agricultural Cooperative (URSAC) organization use only domestic raised cocoons to keep the quality high. Those silk made by this factory is hard to purchase because of its scarcity and price but they also make silk contained products such as towels, soap and face cream, and other products in friendly price. In order to support silk industry, Osakaya got permission from URSAC to make original wrapping for those silk contained products.
Client: Osakaya
Design Company: Airside Nippon
Design: kufolio